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Orgonise Africa Blog

  1. Rain for the Karoo!

    Some parts of South Africa have been experiencing serious drought conditions in the last 3 years. (while we were a bit distracted and focussed on other ventures) Some of this may be natural fluctuation, some of it not.
    As you probably know, we are not buying into the mainstream "global warming" story. On the other hand we are very aware of the reality of large scale weather manipulation efforts, using technologies like HAARP and Chemtrails. Our website is full with references to these, in case you are not yet up to date with that type of info.  Orgonite has a proven track record of neutralising the effects of these hidden technologies.   

    The Karoo is dying

    With droughts it's a weird thing. Once you know you are really in one, it's almost too late.

    This is due to the hopeful nature of us humans. We always hope the r

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  2. Can you measure Orgone?

    It is difficult to quantify the ether state that we also address as positive (flowing) or negative (stagnant) Orgone energy.
    Wilhelm Reich tried it and so does a guy in Canada who makes a “life energy meter” (www.heliognosis,com)
    All these methods have one thing in common, they measure some physical values and try to infer back to the state of the ether. (zero point or vacuum energy)
    I doubt that this is always meaningful.
    The effects of Orgonite are much better observed in their effects on the sky when gifting cellphone towers and in the effects on plant growth.
    Please refer to these 2 pages for more info:
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  3. What to do about the new 5G towers

    Orgonite's next challenge: 5g everywhere! 

    Many people are worried about the new 5g stations springing up in their neighbourhood. Generally we think it's not really a new danger, just more of the same and getting more intense as we speak. Massive overload of microwave radiation causes stagnant ether or DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) condition which is detrimental to our health, wellbeing and clear thinking. It fogs up our consciousness and that may well be part of the agenda behind it.   

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  4. Moneyfesting abundance in difficult times

    We hope the present tensions in the world are the birthing pains of a more just  and prosperous world.
    The current financial system is of course a debt based pyramid scheme that is leeching the productive energies of the world's creative populations and channels it to the the few who are close to money issuing machine.
    Like every pyramid scheme eventually does, this one has reached it's limits and is now in it's death throes.   
    More and more people are waking up to the nature of this parasitic new world order. While the collapsing financial megaparasite is exerting extreme pressure to prolong it's life by a few more moments, forces of resistance and positive new organisation are also growing. This is where I see the role of Russia and China.  
    Humans are by their nature productive and creative and produce abundance and surplus almost effortlessly.  Give us a system of fair exchange of value and the sky is the limit. The natural outcome of this is paradise on earth.

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  5. Ground control to Major T

    This is now the second obituary for a great orgone warrior I have to write in a very short time.

    Tino was a very good friend. I don't even know if he was aware how much we loved him. We met when he joined me together with Carlos Silva and Prophet Ngwatho on that somewhat ill-fated expedition to gift the Cahora Bassa Dam in Mozambique.

    He taught me my first Tai chi moves in the police prison in Songo. Funny to remembera sI'm getting ready to participate in the World Championships in Taipei next week.

    With his military background he always exuded confidence and competence in all he undertook. 

    I remember when we were pushed into this dimly lit hall (a former mecahnic workshop serving as the police holding prison in Songo, the town at the Cahora Bassa dam in Mozambique)  with 60 inmates around a blazing f

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  6. 15th anniversary of Orgonise Africa

    The blog module is just newly isntalled, so I have to try it out,

    Please do not expect sparks of genius here yet. Just plain news:

    Glitches are being sorted out as we speak. All working fine now.

    We love the new website for it's respnsiveness and clean, crisp design.

    Meanwhile the 30% discount is still on until further notice.

    We apologise for any inconveniences during the transition to the new website.

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  7. Orgonise Africa in Barcelona

    Spotted by another Orgonite Warrior in Barcelona 

    As "Les Festes de la Mercè" was in full swing in Barcelona, our Office manager Ryno was exploring the city and enjoying for the first time a European and “first world” city.

    Like at any other festival there were stalls and little stands all over the city, Ryno was admiring all of this when he was suddenly approached by an overly excited man who spotted his Orgonite Maxi Shield on the back of his phone.

    He kept on repeating “Orgonita” “Orgonita” “Orgonita”, and grabbed Ryno by the hand.  

    The guy finally led Ryno to his stand, displaying a variety of orgonite creations, crystals and other esoteric products. They finally settled on English for easier communication, whereby it turned

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  8. OMG it's that day again: 9-11

    In the years 1998 - 2001 I had started reading widely about how the world really works.

    Starting with the financial system, I had started peeling layer upon layer from the official version of reality.

    By the time "it" happened I was well familiar with ideas like "false flag", "totalitarian two step", "problem-reaction-solution' and so on. I also understood the concepts of trauma based mind control and knew about MK-Ultra and similar programs.

    And yet I was completely shocked when "it" really happened. I was sitting in our living room which I remember as being quite cosy (we have since moved a few times) and watching something on TV.

    Suddenly the program stopped and the announcement was made that some planes had hit the World Trade Center in New York.

    A short

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  9. In Memoriam Don Croft

    Don Started everything!

    Without him there wouldn't be orgonite cloudbusters, HHGs, Tbs, Orgone zappers, SP-crystals or power wands. There would not be such a thing as an orgonite gifting network. 
    Most likely we'd still be swallowing unadulterated chemtrails and be hopelessly lost in a maze of DOR based electromagnetic mind control fog. 
    He was always extremely modest and humble, while keeping a very special sense of humour. He never became conceited about his role as the chief instigator of this whole thing that we call the orgonite network. 
    He didn't want to be seen as a “guru” or “leader” and to a point you were successful with that.  There are now many people who make and use orgonite and barely know about him. 
    However, he was a leader, want it or not, because he was leading by example.
    Integrity and truthfulness being the hallm

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  10. The Summer of Change

    Definitely the world has entered a phase of instability. You can see that on the geopolitical level with confrontation between the established powers that ran the world since at least the end of the cold war and the new emerging superpowers China and Russia reaching previously unknown pain thresholds.
    In "Western" countries popular anti establishment movements get more and more votes and form governments that seem to be resisting elements of the "New World Order Agenda".
    Even the Trumpster, however much he seems to act like a bumbling fool, got swept to power by the same trend. Some still think he's playing the fool only and in reality it's all some kind of 5 dimensional Chess game and he's in charge of it.
    We shall see. "By their deeds shall they be judged"
    Definitely, by thrashing his arms around so wildly he helps demolishing old structures that do not work any more.
    There is a lot of "tension in the system" (which is essentially a pyramid scheme at the end of
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