Aug 19, 2008

Strangely enough, I never really had the feeling of being under surveillance on any of my busting excursions.

This one was to be different...

Our dear friend Dr. P. from Uganda was visiting us for a few days in July. We had been travelling with him during our visit to Uganda in 2003 and stayed in contact ever since.

He has built the first orgonite CB in Uganda and successfully used zappers in a hospital environment.

We had briefly visited Pretoria before and DrP had spotted several places where he suspected underground bases of sorts.

So we joined forces with Fungai one day to have a look at busting some of these spots.

I had done a general busting of Pretoria a few years ago, but by now was convinced that it could be expedient to do some more now.

At the time of my first busting of Pretoria (must have been 2002/2003) I had received several hints

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