Dammn, I think we underestimated the logistical and etheric challenges involved in this expedition. Despite careful planning for months.

It took us 5 days to get up to Lake Cahora Bassa, the biggest hydroelectric scheme in Africa, a manmade lake of some 240km length. On the horrible roads up there the wheels from the boat trailer came off 4x and we replaced all ball bearings. That we even made it with the boat relatively intact is a miracle and cost us enormous energy and mental reserves.

Thanks to Tino who is an ex-army pilot with a lot of mechanical trouble-shooting experienmce we managed to get it rolling again and again against all odds.

We did manage to go through Macossa, one of the 5 corners of the satanic pentagram that Francie identified as casting a bad spell over Zimbabwe.

Imagine pulling the battered trailer with my precious boat through dry river beds and rutted dirt roads - phew. The last leg of some 480km took us more than 18 hours to drive.

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