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Archivos mensuales: Marzo 2020

  1. Corona Protection

    Corona Protection

    COVID-19: Virus Infection or electromagnetic overload?

    "We must be quite clear about this: in the days when there were no electric currents, when there were no electric wires buzzing in the air, it was easier to be human." ... 

    Rudolf Steiner

    All major epidemics of he last 100+ years coincided with a major step-up of the electromagnetic soup that surrounds us.

    1918: massive rollout of electrification around the world, first introduction of radiowaves world wide ==> Spanish Flu

    WWII: Invention of radar - microwaves buzzing the atmosphere the first time in human history ==> major epidemics, aided by starvation

    1968: satellites start rounding the earth ==> outbreak of the "Hong Kong flu"   

    2019-2020: In the last 6 month a major quantum leap in the roll out of electromagnetic frequencies has happened. 20,000 new radiation emitting satellites blanketing the earth,

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  2. Corona Madness

    Corona Madness

    Please put me in any environment where 100% of people are infected with this virus and I will not be the least afraid. I'd be taking lot's of vitamin C and wear my zapper most of the time and I'm willing to take the bet that nothing will happen to me. All this mummery with the biohazard suits is just for creating this atmosphere of total fear, preparing the ground for the next moves towards total control. 

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