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Orgonise Africa Blog

  1. 15 years OA - The prisoners of Orgone

    In Africa oppression is not handled as subtle as in the developed Western World. (at least in most places most of the time until recently) It can be quite crude, with opposition politicians often beaten to pulp or outrightly murdered by government goons. 

    But let those old records speak for themselves with the voice of the time when the experience was had:

    2 foreigners arrested in Nyamapanda
    Zimbabwe 2006 - read here

    Dammed and busted in Mozambique

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  2. Orgonite deflates Irma in Florida

    Devra R......

     | Sep 14, 2017 12:03:54 AM 

    I am a customer of yours and I live in Florida, on the Sarasota Bay.

    A couple of years ago I did a pretty major orgonite gifting expedition in and around my home...cell towers up and down the Tamiami Trail, several places around the various inland bays, and a few other choice spots in Bradenton, St. Petes, Tampa and Sarasota.

    I also have about fifty pieces in and around my own property. Well, as you know we were just visited by a big bully...Hurricane Irma. There isn't enough space here to give you all the details, but I will just say that magic happened, and I am convinced it is due to the orgonite and good vibes....

    Irma was heading straight for us in a bulls-eye, and then she veered off; she was downgraded at just a most crucial time and our area fared so much better than most; many many

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  3. ¿Es ésto realmente orgonita?

    Cuando usted busca en Internet la palabra "orgonita" y hace clic en "imágenes" los resultados nos devuelven una selección aleatoria como ésta. ¿Pero es todo esto realmente orgonita? ¿Qué es en realidad la orgonita ¿y qué se supone que debe hacer? 

    No he influenciado deliberadamente esta selección.

    El 70% de lo que ves ahí no es realmente orgonita, aunque tengan un aspecto muy bonito. La orgonita no es "unos cristales y unas bobinas suspendidas de forma decorativa en resina transparente o con color".

    La base de toda la orgonita es una matriz de viruta de aluminio (o de otros metales, aunque el aluminio funciona mejor) en resina.

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  4. Not all that glitters is gold...

    We use many different stones, metals and other "secret ingredients" in our Orgonite products. 

    The most basic ones are the aluminium filings contained in the Orgonite mix, and the Quartz crystals that we always add. They enhance the effect of the Orgonite and make what is already a fantastic tool into an even more powerful Orgone generator.

    In previous posts, I've spoken a bit about the additional gemstones we use, such as Lapis lazuli, Tourmaline and Shungite. Today, let's go in the other direction - and have a look at the metals!

    Silver is obviously well-known, and yet I feel that its healing properties are not spoken of enough. 

    Not only do we use it for the el

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  5. New: DHL shipping from Germany

    We have reached a new step in our evolution: For too long we had to watch with dismay as our customers often got charged outrageous amounts by the courier companies for importing our parcels into the EU.

    Not only the VAT and customs fees, but there were also always associated charges for customs clearing and handling. That now falls away for all EU destinations.


    Katharina is in the process of registering a company in Germany that will become our sales and shipping agent for the EU and Europe in general. 

    Until that is fully functional, you can still order without the German VAT of 19% and we carry the import VAT. This will change after Easter. So in actual fact, yo are enjoying a 19% discount by ordering now.

    Free shipping of all orders over 125 EUR, 100 GBP, 130 USD

    For our other international destina

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  6. Orgonite @ work

    I want to tell you a story from the early days of our orgone journey:

    A friend of mine, let's call him John B., was working for a big IT company in Johannesburg in a large open plan office. I visited him there one day and noticed the particularly drab and depressing atmosphere.

    Everybody was slouching along as if they were carrying a ton of bricks on their shoulders. And to make things worse, the place was painted in drab beiges and browns and so was the furniture.

    That's when our plan of action was spointaneously agreed.

    A few days later I came back during their lunch break (pathetic how there were al dragging their feet and bending their shoulders and necks on their way to lunch..)

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  7. May the 4th be with you!

    I have always been fascinated how truthful concepts find their expression in fantasy and science fiction movies. They do!

    So the FORCE of STAR WARS is of course orgone and it's even mostly shown as blue!

    Obiwan descibes orgone better than even Wilhelm Reich could have done it:

    “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” ~ Obiwan

    Our pulsed orgonite devices create a strong orgone field, visible to sensitives. (those that see auras always see it)

    What are the applications?

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  8. The most powerful minerals against EMF radiation

    By now, you're probably aware of how Orgonite works, what benefits it has, and how best you can use it in your day to day life. 

    Most likely, you already have a piece or several at home and have felt its benefits for yourself. 

    That's exactly why I think it's time to dive a little deeper into this fascinating world and start exploring the little details.

    Besides the standard Orgonite mixture of resin, metal filings and Quartz crystal, we add many other gemstones, precious metals and healing herbs to our Orgonite. This fine-tunes the effect of the Orgonite, as it acts much like a carrier wave that you can lay specific "healing frequencies" over for a much more subtle effect. 

    The benefits of many of these gemstones are widely known and used - such as Amethyst or Turquoise - and others are still fairly unknown. I want to explore these "magic ingredients" with you and give you some insight into why we selected specific combinations

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  9. 9-11 15th anniversary

    A short snippet of one of the towers being "penetrated" by the phallic shape of a jetliner were shown repeatedly for hours, alternating in a very suggestive way with images of fuzzy bearded Osama Bin Laden. No evidence was presented that Bin Laden had anything to do with it, only vague insinuations about "informed circles in London having some hunches"... 

    I'm sure, if you were awake and alive at that time, you know exactly what i'm talking about.
    This was brain entrainment of the finest. I had just recently caught on to an understanding of the workings of the global elite and concepts like "false flag" and so on came to my mind immediately when seeing this and how it was played.

    9-11, possibly the worst mind control op after WWII
    In the meantime an unprecedented acceleration of the formation of an openly fascist police

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  10. Electro - Hypersensitivity and Parasites

    Our incredible well researched friend Tino Puthego from Botswana brought up this idea in a talk we had a few months ago:

    Why are some people hypersensitive to EMF and others not? His explanation was: 


    We have all heard that most people are infested with parasites to a higher or lesser degree. Hulda Clark - widely credited with inventing the zapper for health purposes - made the combination of parasites and toxins out as the source of all major diseases. 

    Parasites: We all have them to some degree - but zapping keeps them to a minimum.
    We all have them to some degree: Happy parasites in your intestine

    Now here is Tino's explanation: The presence of strong EMF fields stimulates these nasty little critters to be

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