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Orgonise Africa Blog

  1. My Cell Phone Protective Charm




    Minishield on phone

    Minishield on phone

    In stories of wizards and sorcerors, magic amulets allowed long distance communication, glowed and had many other magical properties. Our modern day cell phones sound remarkably similar, but who would have thought that using them would have a price tag attached for health (ref Dr Mercola; cell phones biggest health risk since tobacco) ? As we become more and more amazed – and reliant – on finding our way using googlemaps on our phones, playing games, sms’sing for hours in chat rooms, writing email, we carry on touting cell phones even though many of us have that nagging feeling that something just isn’t right. 


    Some of us get really obvious symptoms, like a hot or sharp feeling in our hand, a headache, a

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  2. (Anti)AIDS activist Tina v/d Maas attacked again

    Tina v/d Maas, intrepid AIDS activist who has healed 1000s of often hopeless cases from AIDS and other diseases with her simple but effective detox method was attacked in her cottage and her and her mother's 3 laptops stolen. Money that lay openly on te table was not touched by the thieves.


    Tina gained notorious fame as the inspiring muse fr former SA Health Minister Manto Tshabalala Msimang's "controversial" stance on AIDS, promoting her successful dietary programme of lemon, olive oil and garlic. Since the mainstream has now steamrollered all dissidents in South Africa into submission, including some car accidents and the aborted presidency of Thabo Mbeki, Tina is a last one that needs to be silenced for the ARV scam to be unrolled in trully genocidal proportion.


    Tina had just "cured" a prominent radio host and proponent of a "living HIV+ activist orgnisiation" who was ready to come out in Tina's support big time.


    The timing of the attack is

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  3. The Orgone-ite Minishield X-periment (Yes, it works!)

    Nov 28, 2009
    In the beginning of our career as orgone vendors we were and saw ourselves just as a part of this evolving network of active gifters who where connected via a succession of forums. Everybody knew who everybody was and what this was all about. That was because orgone gifting had the character of a collective discovery.

    Since then, what started as a tentative feeler into making orgone-ite a business, at first to support our addictive gifting habit and then increasingly to replace all other economic activities, has grown into a veritable enterprise that is now putting food on the table for ourselves and 6 people who work for us on a regular basis. This means we have to broaden our client base beyond the "already converted" who have been following our adventures over the years.

    Talking to totally new people automatically b

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  4. Pin worms gone – another "healing by zapper" story

     Nov 20, 2009


    This just in fom one of my clients in Australia.


    Hello Orgonise Africa!

    I just had to tell you about my experiences with my zapper I ordered from you. After doing a lot of research on the subject I was finally willing to have faith in the electro-treatment and got one of my very own! I now know for a FACT that this works, and I’ll tell you why. I had pin worms, which had obvious symptoms. I got rid of a lot of them through the right herbs and I saw the little dead buggers come out. Well, I obviously could not get them all because my symptoms returned. But instead of getting rid of them again the same way, I thought I’d wait for my zapper and experiment to see if it could get rid of them by zapping them. Well, after a week of side effects from the zapper including very intense “under the skin” itching all over, few accidental acid burns and increased bowel movements I have to say all pin worm symptoms have ceased. More over,
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  5. Sexy Vampires – The happy Corporate Soldiers


    (Orgone-ite vs. corporate fascism 1:0)

    I am often asked how it could be that a small group of elite insiders runs the whole world.


    I am not a frontline conspiracy researcher. That means I'm not myself hovering at the cutting edge of true investigative journalism.


    I just happen to have read quite bit of good research by others and had a few experiences in my life (amongst others  or recent imprisonment for orgone gifting Cahora Bassa in Mozambique) that confirm the assumption that our world is somewhat tweaked and definitely not as free and "democratic" as current propaganda wants us to believe.


    But I don't claim to be an expert on how the conspiracy is organised technically and legally and certainly my voice on the subject is not authoritative.


    Let's just say 

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  6. Latest on Mozambique – the prisoners of orgone

    Believe it or not, today we fially got all our gear back, some 4 months after our release. Also today I got called by Stuart Buchanan, a student of journalism who made a short movie about this story. That movie is part of his final project at Rhodes University.

    Check it out

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  7. Copyright for the word orgonite?


    Just while we are happily travelling in the US of A, a well placed strike at our legs was undertaken in order to dislodge us.


    (Oh how they love to hack away at our legs when they think we are not in a position to strike back)


    This time suddenly all of our products listed on ebay that contain the word "orgonite" in their description were struck fro the listing by Ebay on insistence of one Karl Welz who claims he has trademarked the word "orgonite".


    Most people here in his network  have probaly never heard his name and that says something about the validity of his claim to fame, doesn't it.


    We and also Don Croft have always given him credit for first having used this term, but basically it's a variation of the generic term Orgone, first introduced around 1942 by Wilhelm Reich.   Adding the recognised English suffix -ite doesn't make it less generic, does it? 


    It's a pity that Karl Welz never followed t

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  8. In the crocodile's mouth – Part II


    In the first part I told you how an optimistic and ambitiously planned orgonite gifting expedition landed us in prison in Mozambique. The story is interesting not so much because of it's pity factor (poor us for having to endure 53 days of detention under quite harsh conditions, at least by first world standards) but for the major publicity it created for the cause of orgonite and the interesting interaction between us detained orgone warriors and the highest institutions of the Republic of Mozambique, namely the presidency and the office of the prime minister.

    I shall try to use an as much as possible chronological format from now on, in order not to get carried away and confused.


    Sabotage, espionage, terrorism: orgone warriors accused of unspeakable crimes


    Monday 20 April


    We soon realised that our situation was much more serious than we first thought. Somehow police interrogators all over the world are qui

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  9. Has Orgonite already stopped global warming?



    orgonite + orgonite + orgonite = global refreshing®

    My friend and web marketing coach Simon says I must blog more to attract more vistors to my site and up the search engine ranking this way among many other benefits this would bring. Of course I must use the word "orgonite" a lot because that's the keyword for which we want a page one Google ranking. And I think we deserve that more than a lot of the disinfo artists you will find on page 1 for "orgonite" these days. After all we are among the oldest and most active orgonite gifters on this lovely planet. In fact the likelihood that someone freshly inquiring about "orgonite" falls into the hands of a government sponsored disinfo artist are probably about 70-80% nowadays. They know, they can't really imprison us all

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  10. Orgonite induced desert reversal hits mainstream science

    The impending scarcity of water, the growth of deserts worldwide is part of the mind numbing global warming® mantra.


    If you have followed our website and other genuine sources of orgone warrior information like www.ethericwarriors.com you plrobably already know that global warming® is a scam, just like "Swine Flu", "AIDS", "Peak Oil" and all those other pet projects of the  New World Order boys.


    I have long recommended to read all forecasts in the official media as announcements of the PLANNED AGENDA.


    So if they say "it is expected that the next wars in the 3rd world will be over dwindling water resources" you can rest assured that that is the future the think tanks have  prepared for us. They want these wars and they are working towards achieving them by all means.



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