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Orgonise Africa Blog

  1. Complete report of latest ocean gifting sortie posted

     The full report of our latest expedition is now at


    The new shop is almost finished. All the designs are in place, I only have to transfer the products now from the old website


    Will take me another 10 days or so,  guess.


    If you want to take a sneak preview, it's at


    Other than our old shop, it will show prices in all major curencies and it's fully bilingual in English and German, so it will also serve our sister website



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  2. Ocean gifting continued


    Map of recent coastal gifting

    (Click on the pic to see full size map)


    This is a map of our latest coastal gifting sortie. As usual, blue dots represent orgonite gifts. The stretch travelled on sea was about 600 km of rugged coastline, the longest one in one go being about 150km.


    I'm very proud of us, that's Fungai, Donald, Abri and me. We got a lot done in a very short time. Felt every bone after the trip.


    The weather continues to be unusually wet, lot's of moisture in the air, everything so green and the farmers expecting bumper maize crop.


    Surely some of the confused members of the public are even blaming this rather fresh and colder than usual weather on

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  3. Wound Healing by Zapper


    Zappers are not only good for ridding the body of parasites and bacteria. I recently cut my left thumb on the knuckle to the bone while sawing wood (just stop sawing when you are really tired...the tired mind is not as careful). I do not like the effect antibiotics have on my body and I don't have full health cover so going in for stitches and the whole normal medical scenario would have been an expensive proposition (a similar depth/size wound on my palm a few years ago required 3 stitches).


    So I decided to try healing it myself while monitoring closely for infection. I washed the wound with colloidal silver (made by using the colloidal silver attachment on the orgone zapper, silver is seriously antimicrobial

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  4. Latest expedition report posted on Orgonise Africa


    The latest expedition report "All that water - part III" has been posted. Read here


    Also check out the older expedition reports of course.


    If you are a new reader, you should read the introductory article on orgone energy and orgone gifting in order to understand what this is all about.


    Enjoy the reading!



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  5. SARS didn't fly so now "drug resistant TB at new high"



    Did you notice that the New-World-Odour gang just loves epidemic outbreaks? Apart from serving their all time favourite population control obsession, epidemic outbreaks have so many lovely fringe benefits...


    You can further limit and restrict people's freedom. Oh, how I can see them salivating over the PR fallout of an incurable version of TB. "Quarantine!" They will cry and hunt down fugitive TB patients who wish to escape the horrible treatments with nationwide police hunts.


    We have seen the bizarre energy behind these fake epidemics when piles of carcasses of cattle and sheep were incinerated by government-rogues, comically masqueraded in space suits while the unhappy former owners of the poor animals were in some cases detained on their farms for 3 weeks, held there at gunpoint.

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  6. Five amazing health breakthroughs


    The Grand Illusion

    We suffer from a grand illusion, believing that in the field of commerce the market can rule red in tooth and claw but in the saving of lives and promotion of health, humanitarian motives should trump the urge to profit. An astounding body of evidence speaks to the contrary, turning the loving, traditional beliefs about the motives of those who heal us upside down. For to be frank, this has been a century of some truly extraordinary medical breakthroughs, but these breakthroughs have neither been promoted, shared, nor implemented to save the lives they could have saved. Instead these breakthroughs have been quite vociferously hidden or suppressed, and the lives and careers of the innovators, despite initially being met with honours and delight, have been systematically wrecked.


    The United States appears to be the epicentre of these ground breaking researches, some of which are embraced and brought to market, others of which

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  7. Are you confused?

    I could imagine that a new reader might be totally confused by what this is all about. Maybe I'm underestimating your intelligence though. 


    Basically this is about changing the world, re-energising it and creating a lively positive orgone field in which positive initiatives thrive and those directed at control and oppression shrivel.


    The implications and levels of change are manifold but the empowering truth is simple:




    It just needs a bit of simple orgonite to transform the death force transmitters in your neighbourhood into benevolent life enhancing orgone transmitters. It's simple. You can make them yourself or you can buy them from us (We like that, but you don't have to of course)


    If you've just stumbled over this blog and it's all total mumbo jumbo to you, I suggest you 

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    Recently we met Tina van der Maas, who is the lady that inspired the South African Health Minister, Dr. Manto Tshabalala Msimang (She has a doctorate in public health) to her "controversial" stance on AIDS, promoting good nutrition and detoxing as a cure to AIDS rather than the highly toxic and deadly Antiretrovirals.


    Manto has been character-asassinated by a vicious chorus of orchestrated voices in the press, especially the mean Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) headed by one Zackie Achmat who have been relentlessly pushing for Antiretrovirals.


    It's a long story and I have written about some aspects of it in my Essay "What we know about AIDS so far" ( and "Mama Mbeki's Zapper"(

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  9. Rounding the 2 stormy capes

    Jan 18, 2008 

    Gifting a continent with orgonite piece by piece is a lot of work. Rewarding work though. We've been back from our latest outing where we surrounded the Southermoust point of Africa (Cape Agulhas) and the Cape of Good Hope with a string of orgonite gifts at 1 km intervalls.

    About 800 km have now be done by boat in this fashion and the results are stunning.

    It's raining everywhere!

    From the Zamezi down to the Cape.

    Our earlier expedition to the Zambezi is showing profound changes up there as well, affecting Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    I am  very excited about this water gifting project now that it has gained a certain scale and momentum.

    (I love large scale gifing projects as you may have noticed)

    I think the next big thing will be a return to the mighty Zambezi River, this time the lower parts in Mozambique, including the Cohora Bassa

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  10. All that water cont'd

    We are still busy ocean gifting with our little boat. Despite the usual ostacles that pop up all the time to deter us, we are making good progress.  Will let you in on the bigger story as soon as we are back. Latest Tuesday 15 January. In the meantime our "absence discount" is still on.


    Georg  (from a windy camp ground somewhere at the Western Cape of South Africa)

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