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Orgonise Africa Blog

  1. Has Orgonite already stopped global warming?



    orgonite + orgonite + orgonite = global refreshing®

    My friend and web marketing coach Simon says I must blog more to attract more vistors to my site and up the search engine ranking this way among many other benefits this would bring. Of course I must use the word "orgonite" a lot because that's the keyword for which we want a page one Google ranking. And I think we deserve that more than a lot of the disinfo artists you will find on page 1 for "orgonite" these days. After all we are among the oldest and most active orgonite gifters on this lovely planet. In fact the likelihood that someone freshly inquiring about "orgonite" falls into the hands of a government sponsored disinfo artist are probably about 70-80% nowadays. They know, they can't really imprison us all

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  2. Orgonite induced desert reversal hits mainstream science

    The impending scarcity of water, the growth of deserts worldwide is part of the mind numbing global warming® mantra.


    If you have followed our website and other genuine sources of orgone warrior information like you plrobably already know that global warming® is a scam, just like "Swine Flu", "AIDS", "Peak Oil" and all those other pet projects of the  New World Order boys.


    I have long recommended to read all forecasts in the official media as announcements of the PLANNED AGENDA.


    So if they say "it is expected that the next wars in the 3rd world will be over dwindling water resources" you can rest assured that that is the future the think tanks have  prepared for us. They want these wars and they are working towards achieving them by all means.



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  3. In the Crocodile's mouth (Part I.)

    The Great Zambezi Expedition Plan

    It was meant to be another Orgonise Africa expedition like many before… only bigger and better: The Great Zambezi Expedition No 2. In 2007, I had ‘gifted’ the Zambezi along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe for about 600 km. Now we wanted to follow this great African river further; down to the sea, all the way through Mozambique – and even connect from the delta to Vilankulos, where my previous ocean-gifting acivities had reached so far. The previous Zambezi expedition had already produced wonderful results; namely increased rainfalls in Southern Zambia and Northern Zimbabwe. Together with the recent gifting of lake Malawi, we hoped to achieve a real breakthrough with this expedition.

    Water gifting on a large scale has the potential to energetically ‘liberate’ whole regions – and when I mean regions, I’m talking large parts of subcontinents like Southern Africa, not just a few counties in a small European country. I’m talking of

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  4. Back home after 53 days in hell

    Yesterday night we landed back home in Johannesburg after a 53 day ordeal in Mozambican prison. We are relieved and still confused. Was all this real? It seems so mad and unbelievable.


    The hysteria - the media coverage - we were in fact engaged with the whole country of Mozambique in a "trial by media"!


    First accused of "sabotaging the dam" with an unknown and dubiuous substance to which corrosive and poisonous qualities where ascribed, then pronounced innocent even by the prime minister of Mozambique as early as 8 or 10 May, only in order to linger in jail for another month. "Let the competent authorities do their proper investigations", a euphemism for "Let's fry them in jail for a bit longer, 't will teach them a lesson"


    to be continued...

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  5. Bruised and battered: Zambezi team in trouble

    Dammn, I think we underestimated the logistical and etheric challenges involved in this expedition. Despite careful planning for months.

    It took us 5 days to get up to Lake Cahora Bassa, the biggest hydroelectric scheme in Africa, a manmade lake of some 240km length. On the horrible roads up there the wheels from the boat trailer came off 4x and we replaced all ball bearings. That we even made it with the boat relatively intact is a miracle and cost us enormous energy and mental reserves.

    Thanks to Tino who is an ex-army pilot with a lot of mechanical trouble-shooting experienmce we managed to get it rolling again and again against all odds.

    We did manage to go through Macossa, one of the 5 corners of the satanic pentagram that Francie identified as casting a bad spell over Zimbabwe.

    Imagine pulling the battered trailer with my precious boat through dry river beds and rutted dirt roads - phew. The last leg of some 480km took us more than 18 hours to drive.

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  6. Tina's wellness programme


    I have told you about Tina v/d Maas before. Just type "Tina" in the search box on the right to read previous posts about her.

    She's probably the most hated person to the pill pushing cartel of lies that runs the official AIDS story in South Africa because her simple nutritional detox programme has restored 1000s of "full blown AIDS" cases and sufferers from many other diseases to full health.

    Just recently a very good friend of mine came back from a visit to her parents in Germany with very bad news: Her father was ill with a terminal cancer of the liver.

    The doctors had given up the case as untreatable and predicted the death of the dear old man (he's in his 80s) within 6 months.

    My friend was very depressed.

    We told her to bring her father out here where we would introduce him to Tina and make him whole again. This we did and after 10 days on Tina's programme my friend had a first blood test done.

    The results were so dramatically

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  7. False Flag attacks in Mumbai and destabilisation in Thailand

    The New World Odour doesn't sleep.


    Just in case you thought we had already won the etheric war for our planet: That is not so yet. Even though we have made some progress.


    They haven't been able to pull of a major 911- like false flag attack in the US or a major "1st world" country for a while and it was not for lack of trying. The planned mass culling of "useless eaters" (us and other non essential individual according to Henry Kissinger) has not taken place on the planned scale, despite formidable efforts to that effect.


    These "terrorist" things take logistical preparations.


    The Mumbai attacks were orchestrated by the Pakistani secret service ISI on behalf of the CIA and "befriended agencies". Several combat trained groups of Pakistani mercenaries struck in a very coordinated manner within minutes of each other.



    The ISI runs "islamic terrorism" on behalf of the

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  8. "Obama Mania" – are they going to do a Kennedy on him?

    I meant to write this much earlier, when the wave of euphoria over Obama's election was still fresh. Surely politics is mostly symbolic, so the election of a "black" man (whatever his lilly white upbringing) has a symbolic value for African Americans and Africans in general. Here in South Africa it created quite a stir. The day after the election I spent some time in the sauna of my gym, talking to a black business man who was so excited he had not slept the whole night while results were pouring in. Also an almost 80% voter turnout is a significant difference from the previous decades when hardly 50% of Americans went to cast their vote.


    Our real fear is that this build up of hope is going to be used in a cruel mind control ploy. Remember how trauma based mind control works?


    Let them build up hope and then traumatise them thoroughly! Shoot the guy in front of running cameras and blame it on whoever you want to point out as the next big enemy. Maybe an "

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  9. Some more thought on the present "financial meltdown"

    Oct 24, 2008



    We are like prisoners who notice that their jailers are in terrible commotion and confusion.Our first response is fear: maybe they will not deliver soup for our lunch, maybe our small privileges we slowly accumulated will be gone.

    But have no regrets, no doubts, no fears -- we are on the way to freedom:The walls will fall, the jailers will run away, and we shall be set free!

    Says Israel Shamir at

    The meltdown continues, but what’s melting?

    The meltdown of the corporate mega-parasite continues at full speed. Even mainstream sources are now speaking about the end of paper money. We have been talking of this for a long time and notice with great satisfaction that the general population is staying relatively calm despite the great fear - based propaganda effort, trying to evoke pictures of the great depression of 1929 etc.



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  10. So, what if Manto was 100% right about AIDS?

    Dr. Manto Tshabalala Msimang, the embattled former health minister, had drawn a lot of the inspiration for her "controversial" opinions from the work of Tina v/d Maas.


    Tina, about whom I have spoken earlier here (, is a trained nurse. She has been working in countless AIDS support groups when she came across the potentially disturbing information about the toxicity of those AIDS drugs called "Antiretrovirals" or ARVs that are so loudly promoted by a strange coalition of BIG PHARMA funded Aids activists, the orchestrated press and a plethora of interested parties, mainly from the assortment of NGOs who make a healthy living from pretending to care for the plight of AIDs victims.


    The loudest voice in this strange coalition is the TAC (Treatment Action campaign) fronted by Zackie Achmat. From the beginning this organisation has been pushing for making available ARVs to all

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